Avoiding fake psychics

Avoiding fake psychics

Avoiding fake psychicsDuring hardships, most individuals look for advice from psychics, fortune tellers, and readers. But how do you know which one to trust?

A 220 poll by Gallup indicated that approximately 50% of people interviewed believed in psychic powers while another 27% wasn’t sure of whether they believed or not. Over the past, the number of individuals seeking psychics and clairvoyants has relatively gone up.

Whether for entertainment or of finding real answers don’t matter. But how do you find one you can trust?

Signs of a fake psychic:

  • If they tell you that you are cursed and request for money to remove the curse
  • Warns of bad future but offer to fix it for some cash
  • Warns of the presence of evil spirits which can be removed at some fee
  • They tell you that all energy sources are dead but can be reactivated for some cash
  • If they insist that it’s only then you can see and no one else
  • Claims of being special and of the unique ability

If you spot any of these, please walk away.

How to identify a psychic or intuitive counselor

Before you get into a session with a psychic, please try to get some information about the reader.

One of the most used methods is word of mouth. People find it easy to trust other people’s experiences. There is a belief that if one has a great reading with a psychic, somebody else will have a wonderful reading too.

Things you can ask a fortune teller:

How much is your experience in the field? – The longer the experience, the better for you. But also do not forget that everyone has to start from somewhere

Do you have a permit? Psychics are required to have permits in several regions, like entertainment license or actual psychic license, in order to curb fraud.

What is their educational background? Always find out what kind of training the psychic has. Whether from classrooms or mentoring. Those without such experiences have a lot of raw talent. However one will find it easier dealing with one with a great educational background.

Which areas do they specialize in?

If they are palm reading experts, they probably won’t be good at numerology readings. One who is good at finding lost objects won’t definitely be good in love issues. Get the details of what their specialty is and ensure you understand it

Can I see other psychics as well?

Usually, a real psychic won’t bar you from consulting others. A different point of view is usually good.

Seek other options as well, not just psychics

Remember that nobody can totally decide what to occur in the future. A psychic will help you with different insights to the challenges you face in life, but when in an actual crisis, get in touch with professional lawyers or medics. Do not over-rely on psychics always, otherwise, it would be an indication of the need for professional help.


  1. The suggestion to use word of mouth to find a credible psychic seems sensible. It’s practical advice for those who might be inclined to seek such services.

  2. The article provides a balanced view on the caution needed when consulting psychics. The points on identifying potential fraud are notably practical.

  3. It’s interesting to see how common belief in psychic abilities is, based on the Gallup poll mentioned. Particularly useful are the guidelines to identify trustworthy psychics.

  4. The emphasis on not over-relying on psychics and seeking professional help in actual crises is an important takeaway. It highlights responsible advice.

  5. The article’s discussion about the need for permits and educational background for psychics offers a new perspective. It underscores the importance of regulation in this field.


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