Should You Do Shadow Work? Is it Safe?

trauma or feelings

People that are looking at their shadow self often wonder if this kind of work is safe or if it is dangerous. Find out more about shadow work and how it can help you.

Is Shadow Work Safe?

Shadow work is something that is not dangerous, but you have to be ready to face everything that comes at you. This can be uncomfortable and sometimes even scary, depending on what you find out. This is also a time where you can better yourself and grow.

Shadow work can help you to find the parts of your psyche that you have hidden. This will help you to face things like trauma or different patterns that you keep falling into. Once you figure out what is going on though, it can cause you to have depression or to be overwhelmed with the situation.

If you are in a good place in your mind and emotions, you can do shadow work and it can help you to grow and become better.

What Are Shadow Work Risks?

When you do shadow work, you will have to face parts of yourself that might be painful. This is safe but there are some risks in doing this kind of work.

One of the biggest risks is that you will have to face things such as a past trauma that you have put in the back of your mind or made yourself forget. This can cause you to do things like fall into addiction or to act out your problems. Being prepared can help you not to do these things.

Past Hurts

Another thing that can happen with shadow work is that it can bring up past hurts. When you talk to someone that can help you, you will see that you will feel better. Here are some things that they can help you with:

  • If you are feeling unstable in your mentality.
  • When you start to feel addicted.
  • If you get angry a lot.
  • When you don’t know what to do next.
  • A trauma comes up.
  • You become impatient with the work.

How to Do Shadow Work Safely

Here are some things that you can do to safely do shadow work:

Get Therapy

One of the best things that you can do is to talk to a therapist. This will be someone that will be honest with you and someone that you can feel like they are there for you no matter what you have to face.


Meditating can help you to have peace and can help you to get your shadow work done effectively.

Journal Your Thoughts

When you journal your thoughts and feelings you can reflect on what is going on in your mind. Write down whatever comes up and let it surface so that you can review it as time goes on.

Join a Group

Find a group that is doing shadow work and work with them. There can be different therapy groups that are doing this kind of work and they can help you in a deep way. Always be patient with the shadow work you are doing.

Is Shadow Work Easy?

No. Doing shadow work is hard. It can cause you to have to put your ego aside and to look at your flaws.  This can be hard and can cause you to have your emotions out of control. This kind of works helps you to find the dark parts of your life that have held you back.

Should You Do Shadow Work?

Shadow work can help you in many ways. It can help you to have an overall wellbeing and to understand yourself even more. Here are some other things it can help you with:

  • To accept who you are.
  • To see things that trigger your emotions.
  • To help you get rid of your shadow.

This kind of work will be positive for you, and it can help you to bring changes in your life. One of the biggest benefits is that it will help you to see who you are. This is often called individualism and was coined by Carl Jung. This means you know who you are, and you become whole.

As you get older and you see that you have unfaced trauma, you will need to get rid of your shadow. This allows you to be free of the pain of the past. The shadow is not something that can physically hurt you, but it is part of your ego, and it is a place that you have to face morally. You have to face these things to overcome them.

Final Thoughts

You will find out a lot about yourself through your shadow work. Even if you have repressed trauma or feelings, this kind of work can help you to become better and to move forward. Shadow work is important to give you energy, peace and love for yourself.

Even though shadow work is hard, it is something that can help you to have an overall good mental health and to learn to be loving and compassionate with yourself.


  1. I appreciate the emphasis on preparation and seeking professional help. The article is practical and doesn’t downplay the complexities involved in shadow work.

  2. The article provides a balanced view on shadow work. It clearly outlines both the benefits and risks, making it easier for readers to make informed decisions.

  3. It’s crucial to highlight the potential risks, especially for those with past traumas. This article does a commendable job in addressing the need for mental readiness.

    • I agree. Mental stability should be a prerequisite before diving into shadow work. The article’s advice on this point is invaluable.

    • True, understanding what one might encounter helps in mitigating the risks associated with shadow work.

  4. Overall, the article is quite informative. It offers a comprehensive guide on how to approach shadow work safely and expounds on the potential benefits.

  5. The recommended methods like therapy, meditation, and journaling are well-grounded. These can definitely provide a safer environment for those undergoing shadow work.


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