Psychic Articles - Love, Life, Money & More‎

Our articles from gifted clairvoyant, medium & psychic readers will help you to answer any questions you may have about life &relationships.

Ways to Ensure You Visit a “Real” Psychic

It seems like fraudulent psychics are everywhere.  You have pressing questions and intuitively know...

Alternative Timelines

When a reality exists beside of ours but in different ways, this is an...

Shadow Self

The shadow self is something that a person does to suppress their emotions and...

Healing Yourself from the Evil Eye

The evil eye is a staple in folklore from around the world.  Many cultures...

Places, Situations, and Times that Affect Psychic Energy

Psychic energy is all around us at all times. But there are places, situations,...

Having Recurring Dreams

People sometimes dream over and over again the same dream and they never understand...

Listening to Your Angels

Angels are there to communicate with you and to guide you.  They are there...

Interpreting Visitation Dreams

When we imagine dreaming or having visitations from our loved ones, it can make...

Waking Up Your Psychic Abilities

Have you ever had a psychic experience and you knew things, but you weren’t...

Psychic Love Readings

Love psychic readings are readings that give you answer to questions that you have...

Discover the Power of Your Psychic Center

Psychic centers comprise a person’s aura and chakras.  These are the energetic fields that...

Psychic Vampires

When you are a medium, you sometimes deal with topics of vampirism.  This article...